It’s not your fault my darling
It was not you who did the wrong
Just grow and bloom where planted
Even though the growing’s long
It’s not your fault my love
He chose the heinous sin
Let it not hold back your beauty
Of the blooming rose within
It’s not your fault dear one
Hold onto Heaven’s grace
For the seedling does not sprout
Though told to rush or haste
It’s not your load my precious
That you carry down the road
I know it presses on you heavy
And you did not choose the load
The weight upon your shoulders
Can crush you to the bone
Please surrender what you carry
So you may make it home
It is my load to carry
It is my burden to bear
I took your shame upon Me
Now it’s mine to wear
I’ll take that heaviness upon me
The shame, the guilt, the pain
The thoughts that hold you captive
Will be washed out with the rain
For after the darkened downfall
Comes breaking through the shine
And I see your rose unfolding
As you know that you are Mine!
By Diana