To some, it seems, that others do not count;
they are seen but do not matter.
Pain inflicted which is not observed
or perceived by outward measure,
does not at all exist.
The affliction that is deeply hidden within
is far greater than the observable scars
or bloody, oozing gashes.
These secret hurts, like cancerous tumors,
permeate carelessly at will.
These illusive injuries go straight to the heart.
They eat away at the soul.
They paralyze the mind like an eager, relentless parasite;
slowly, unremittingly, overtaking the host.
The giver is gracious to consistently oblige
as if these traumas are deserved, even desired;
thinking they do not somehow effect
because they are secretly given.
The angry words; the unkind gestures;
thoughtless sayings and sentiments that burn;
subtle put-downs and outright bullying;
distant, emotional neglect, overbearing responsibility.
Stress beyond one’s years, to bear.
It is only by Divine grace and circumstance
whereby the receiver decides,
the role of victim is a choice.
The invisible becomes visible–by standing up/
And there within is the power!
by Cindy Iles-Nelson